Our First Week BACK!!

We are finally back, and what an amazing week for our community!

Day 1: Some highlights from the day 💚 Luckily, it was nice out, so the kiddos got a lot of outside time. Miss Stacy set up a tent in the toddler playground that the kids loved jumping in! Miss Donna went over colors by playing blocks, and preschool got to watch 30 mins of a movie before nap. The babies don’t want to sleep, they’d rather watch what everyone is doing 🤣!! Great first day!

Day 2: Day 2 in the books!! We want to know... exactly how much did your kids eat during quarantine? It’s all they way want to do, and they are so happy doing it 🤣 Miss Stacy had an assistant during lunch, preschool had a picnic, and everyone loves playtime with Miss Laura and Miss Donna!! 💚

Day 3: Picking flowers for mom and making some butterflies today ❤ - Miss Laura.

Today’s adventures: The Pink room went on a nature hunt, and then laminated their findings... until a flower got stuck in Miss Nicole Rs laminator 🤣! The Green room made a craft and played with the water table! It started to downpour so we came inside for a movie time! Pink room watched Monsters Inc, Green room watched The Secret Life of Pets 2! 

The younger kids got some good outside play time! We are so happy Penelope is back ... she made Miss Donna tear up because she ran into her classroom and hugged her so tight ! 

It’s honestly like we’ve never left! The kiddos have adapted so well, and just love being with their friends again! We are going to make s’mores at the end of the week! 💚 - Miss Alyssa
