Adult Code of Conduct & Confidentiality

Child abuse Policy

The staff of Adventure Academy Early Learning Center are mandated reporters and required by law to report any type of abuse or neglect to the ChildLine 1 (800) 932 0313. They are not required to inform parents about their reporting. As mandated reporters, they can be held criminally responsible for not reporting the matter. Child abuse is any serious physical or mental injury that is not included in the child’s available medical history. Corporal punishment, and/or withholding food, sleep, as a punishment will be not tolerated.


Employees are not to discuss any information regarding another child, other employees, or other parents with you, and that is for the protection of everyone’s privacy. Sensitive information will only be shared with employees if they need to know in order to appropriately provide care for your child.

Code of Conduct

Our environment is one that nurtures growth, positivity, and healthy interactions. Parents are expected to act with respect and courtesy. We prohibit cursing/inappropriate language, threatening of children, employees, or other parents, physical or verbal punishment of your child or others, and smoking on premises. We also prohibit violations of safety such as holding the door open for someone you may not know or recognize, or an unauthorized personnel. Your child will be dismissed from care if an adult violates our code of conduct. Parents are entitled by law, to immediate access of their child. If the parent is denied access to the facility, the child must be dismissed to meet this requirement. The facility must be provided with appropriate documents, in cases where the child is subject to a court order. This includes Custody Orders, Restraining Orders, or Protection from Abuse Order. We cannot, without a court order, limit the access of one parent by another parent, regardless of reason. Parents or any person, are prohibited from carrying any type of firearm, ammunition, or weapon on premises.

Withdrawal & Schedule Changes

A written letter and email is required 2 weeks prior to withdrawal of our program. Without notice, parents will be required to pay for the upcoming 2 weeks of tuition. If you withdraw from the program without a 2 week notice or paying your tuition, your account will be sent to collections, and the parent will be responsible for all extra legal fees. The parent will have access to the child’s complete day care record. Schedule changes require approval based on ratios, and if there is a slot available.